friends & neighbours,
just came in to report about the annual tour of the german kleine-boxer-forum in switzerland. We started on sunday, may 20th in Remscheid Autobahn-truckstop with three bmw-bikes way south. In Koenigswinter (@the river Rhine) a fourth beemer joined us. On the first day we headed down in the Odenwald-Area and met some more colleages from the "chapter" *g* at the home of Thom (who is a forum-member of kbf too). There we had a friendly arrival with good food, drinking and a comfortable rest to sleep.
The next day we encountered a wonderful trip through the vogese-mountains (?) in france as a starting ramp further down south. We reached near our aim at Realp at about ten in the evening. Only had to cross the Dammastock-massive via the Furka-pass (el. 2436m o.SL on the top; 46°34[ch8242]22[ch8243]N, 8°25[ch8242]00[ch8243]E).
On top we were gathered by Sebastian (who is swiss-resident) to our refuge in Geschinen, upper Goms-Valley. We had an extraordinary superb week round abouts! Let the pictures speak.
(click on the photo)
have a good time! Cheers,
[size=8]top any sandwich with garlic cheese [/size] 8-)