Re: Photo #1
The red tape-wrapped bit is the Voltage Regulator. BTW, the red tape is OEM. The next item forward is the Ignition Control Unit (ICU). Easily detached after disconnecting the wiring loom. There must be fresh Heat Sink Paste twix the ICU and the heat sink bracket it is attached to. Refresh the paste. Should that simple ICU service not be done, the ICU can/will overheat during a nice Springtime ride, stall out the bike and force you to wait until it cools down before the engine will refire. It's available in small tubes at Radio Shack, if you have such stores in the Great North.
Quite a few owners replace the VR with a plug n' play solid-state unit for improved reliability and increased battery performance/life.
Those OEM metal spark plug caps need to go. Wires likely, too. Old plug harness and caps often have grounding issues with sparks jumping from cap to cylinder heads. NGK is a popular replacement cap.
Re: Photo #2
Those Bings may look "clean on the inside" but after years of sitting idle, they will not make you a happy camper. It's a given that the jet passages are clogged with old fuel and varnish, the rubber o-rings -of which there are many- are now hard and cracked and the diaphragms are possibly toast. Plan on a full strip and rebuild doing one carb at a time. That way, you'll have a reference if/when you get confused. Be advised, the enrichener circuit components are "handed" left and right and are not interchangeable.
Now, go get busy. Spring approacheth! 8-)