Both your recent pics now "fit" the R65 forum views w/o having to scroll up n' down and side to side. Having to do
that is, for me, a PITA and I usually skip those posted images.
DPI is a resolution of the image and
your question depends on your method of photography. With a digi camera, you can choose the resolution for your photos... Usually low-medium-high. Hi-Res takes lots of memory space and creates the blow-out snaps that occasionally show up on the forum. Kinda like typing your message in all caps=
Prior to posting on a forum, I first run all my photos through my Mac's Photoshop Elements program for cropping, image quality and size. That's when I will select image dimensions and dpi for web posts.
If you're using a phone for the photos... you're on your own, amigo! Only time I
might carry my vintage "flip phone" is on a longer BMW road trip. No pics, no text, no problem.
Have I mentioned recently that I'm a card-carrying Luddite?