Hi Folks,
Well the big day is almost upon me, next week the old girl will be sent to her new destination ready for the big rebuild.
I'm using MollSprings Motorcycles (
http://www.mollsprings.co.uk/) a BMW specialist for the restoration, they have an excellent reputation and Lucky Lou has used them in the past (he gave me their contact details a while back - thanks mate!). They have already done a fair bit of work on components including new wheel bearings, rear drive hub rebuild etc and now I have the cash to get it completely finished
I'm going to do some of the work myself including renovation of the handlebar switchgear including repaint and replacement of the transfers, I have cleaned up the original paintwork which has come up amazing (pics to follow). I'm not sure whether to have a go at the seat covering myself yet
I will clean up the exhaust system which needs a really good clean.
The bike will be restored to an original standard and hopefully not over restored with a few nice blemishes reflecting the fact that she will be 33 in January (expected completion date). I hope to have her MOT'd and road ready for end Feb.
I'll post up some pics showing some of the finished components which I have had aqua blasted prior to rebuild (they came up like new, the guy that did them said he loves working on airheads as the quality always comes through...) and then add into the log as she goes through the process.
I have to say I can't wait to join the ranks of R65 owners enjoying their bikes
My missus
has just bought me a Belstaff Trialmaster jacket in black which I think will suit the bike. I'm just starting to look around at the rest of the gear ready for the big off!!!
Kid and sweet shop does not even begin to explain it...