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Author Topic: Just launched Kawasaki Z650  (Read 1667 times)


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Just launched Kawasaki Z650
« on: January 28, 2017, 12:38:56 PM »
Test rode the above this afternoon and have to say, very impressed!

So easy to ride. Conditions were poor, heavy rain showers, around 3.5 deq and at one point, sleet showers!

The bike was well balanced, plenty of useable power and the overall bike inspired confidence in a relatively inexperienced rider in adverse conditions.

Next week, I am trying the Triumph Bonneville T100, Scrambler and the new Street Triple[ch128077]

Offline Barry

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Re: Just launched Kawasaki Z650
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2017, 01:20:36 PM »
No offence, while I'm sure it's a great bike, it's not my style.   Now the T100 would be more like it.

I need a bike that can carry a passenger in comfort, not a token perch a foot higher than the main seat. The Mrs is 61 and with foot rests 2 foot off the ground she couldn't even get up there.

It's a dilemma; I've ridden a few modern bikes and I'm well aware they are dynamically superior but very few of them are seriously designed  to take a passenger. It can't be done while the modern sports style is in vogue.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2017, 01:24:46 PM by bhodgson »
Barry Cheshire, England 79 R45


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Re: Just launched Kawasaki Z650
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2017, 08:45:30 AM »
Non taken Barry, always value your comments[ch128077]

I agree with the comments re passenger, I don't intend to carry passengers so that's not a concern.

Taking into account the terrible conditions yesterday and my inexperience, the bike really inspired confidence, plenty of power, easy to control and dynamically very good as you would expect.

It would be a good all-year round machine which could do most things required.

Offline nhmaf

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Re: Just launched Kawasaki Z650
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2017, 09:45:00 PM »
Does that model come standard with ABS?  Maybe they all do now..
If I were looking for a modern general 650, that would certainly be one on my list.

But, for me, I'm also more fond of the 70s and 80s style roadsters.  The scrambler might be fun to ride but I  don't know if it would compromise the road aspect significantly.  The Ducati Scrambler also looks interesting for a "fun" ride, but likely luggage capabilities would be minimal.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 09:48:25 PM by nhmaf »
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Re: Just launched Kawasaki Z650
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2017, 02:11:48 PM »

All Euro bikes now have ABS as standard to comply with euro4 regs.

It's on my short list, very impressed, they could have a real winner on their hands!