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Author Topic: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio. PMR 446 GMRS.  (Read 703 times)

Offline dogshome

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Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio. PMR 446 GMRS.
« on: November 26, 2024, 01:07:02 PM »
Do any of you guys still dabble?
« Last Edit: January 12, 2025, 11:52:14 AM by dogshome »
肉(r?u)包(bāo)子(zi)打(dǎ)狗(gǒu) (meat+bun(2nd and 3rd)+hit+dog)
* Literally: To hit a dog with a meat-bun.:-O

Offline Tony Smith

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Re: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio.
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2024, 07:14:02 AM »
I have a fairly new 80ch CB on the bike - Bluetooth connection to my helmet coms and an aviation PTT velcro'd on the RHS switchblock.

I use it to talk to truckies and bus drivers mainly. A lot of the rest remind me why it is called "cretin's band"
1978 R100RS| 1981 R100RS (JPS) | 1984 R65 | 1992 KLE500 | 2002 R1150GSA |

Offline dogshome

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Re: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio.
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2024, 12:46:55 PM »
I used to call my friends on CB before mobile phones. I had an 18ft dipole in the loft that although horizontal, could pull in 20 miles at least in all directions on FM in town. We've been using PMR446 at work (walkie talkies) that are short range (less than a mile) and communicating with ships on the river on Marine Band (up to 60 miles at sea).

The Quansheng UV5 /6 popped up on Youtube which can transmit and receive on all those bands, plus air and almost anything else with modifications! About $20 delivered. So this sparked my interest again.

There isn't much going on CB here, despite being near the busiest truckers road in the UK. I'm about 5 miles away and only on hand held though. PMR seems more busy as all the farmers and local drivers seem to chatter away on that. The radio isn't clean and I don't plan to do much tx'ing on 27MHz, but it will chat. 446MHz is closer to it's dual band norm and probably cleaner. It does am CB though and that (with a diy long wire) might catch more! Maybe East Coast USA on a good day.

What's your handle good buddy?  8)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2024, 12:51:23 PM by dogshome »
肉(r?u)包(bāo)子(zi)打(dǎ)狗(gǒu) (meat+bun(2nd and 3rd)+hit+dog)
* Literally: To hit a dog with a meat-bun.:-O

Offline dogshome

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Re: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio.
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2024, 11:31:17 AM »
I have some RG58U on the way and plan to build some cheap antennas. A dual band vertical at 2M with 70CM radials seems to be the way forward to receive HAM signals (and PMR). To be built with old fishing pole and odd bits of copper rod.

Likewise CB for Dx is a Gainmaster which also uses simple co-ax and fishing pole. Hopefully the out of band SWR will kill the harmonics. I don't plan on regular Tx use this way. Don't want 'bears in the air' turning up  ;D

The Baofeng is surpisingly sensitive on CB Rx even with a dual band base-loaded rubber duck. 11M being well away from 2M ??????  What it will pull-in on a properly tuned antenna, I have no idea.  ???

Not thought about CB on a bike before. I don't think I've ever seen a bike with a 102" whip or rubber duck on it in the UK. See what I can pull in first to see if it's worthwhile here. LORA and Meshtastic messaging are the modern way ATM. Why talk to a human, when you can text them  ::)
肉(r?u)包(bāo)子(zi)打(dǎ)狗(gǒu) (meat+bun(2nd and 3rd)+hit+dog)
* Literally: To hit a dog with a meat-bun.:-O

Offline Tony Smith

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Re: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio.
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2024, 12:10:08 AM »
I use a baofeng programmed to use the Australian UHF CB frequencies. As such I am using the built in flexible antenna.
1978 R100RS| 1981 R100RS (JPS) | 1984 R65 | 1992 KLE500 | 2002 R1150GSA |

Offline Justin B.

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Re: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio.
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2024, 02:08:38 PM »
I have a General Class HAM License and spend a fair amount of time on the bands.  All of my equipment is "vintage" tube stuff so I guess that goes along with conservative BMWs!  I also bring old radios back from the dead as a sideline hobby.

CB around here seems pretty dead except for "skip-talkers" during the day but after dark there is little to no activity.  I bought a Lafayette HB-400 tube type rig off fleabay a while back (had one when I was a teen) and have yet to find anybody to talk to around here!

Way back in the stone-age I ran a CB on the bike when traveling but that was a long time ago.
Justin B.

2004 BMW R1150RT
1981 R100RT - Summer bike, NEKKID!!!

Offline dogshome

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Re: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio.
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2024, 01:58:03 PM »
There is some activity here, but I only get one end of a conversation. I expect with a fishing pole and co-ax 5/8 antenna I might be able to join in.

There seems to be nothing on the A1 (one of two N-S trunk roads / interstate) which is surprising. None of the long distance truckers seem to use it any more. Maybe 'locals' (for whom I don't have the range).

I might look at a HAM cert. It's not like I don't understand the electronics, antenna or transmission theory. Protocols and laws I'd have to learn. There are 3 levels here in the UK, and the Foundation can be done online.

Got any pics of glowing valve rigs Justin??  8)
肉(r?u)包(bāo)子(zi)打(dǎ)狗(gǒu) (meat+bun(2nd and 3rd)+hit+dog)
* Literally: To hit a dog with a meat-bun.:-O

Offline Justin B.

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Re: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio.
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2024, 01:40:07 PM »
I'll check to see if I have any pics with tubes glowing!
Justin B.

2004 BMW R1150RT
1981 R100RT - Summer bike, NEKKID!!!

Offline dogshome

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Re: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio.
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2024, 12:24:59 PM »
OK, so I have a half wave coax dipole rigged up on an old 7M telescopic fishing pole, attached to a short scaffold tube dropped into some spare car wheels I have in a stack outside. Sadly, the other UK CBs users around here are not impressive  :( Lots of swearing, in-jokes with music clips and some old lady who's trying to date anybody she can catch by the ear. Still no truckers, and the farmers must be on holiday.

I'll flick to Euro channels and see what I can get, but it's the wrong time of year for any distance.

Time to try PMR I think. I'll need a decent bit of coax for that though. 27MHz will work on wet string, 446MHz is getting more like wifi and 20M of cable to get it outside and up the pole will need something better than cheap RG58. I could climb up on the roof with the mobile, and diy antenna on a stick. But its cold, wet and windy!

I might look at a Ham license.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2024, 12:28:31 PM by dogshome »
肉(r?u)包(bāo)子(zi)打(dǎ)狗(gǒu) (meat+bun(2nd and 3rd)+hit+dog)
* Literally: To hit a dog with a meat-bun.:-O

Offline dogshome

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Re: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio. PMR 446 GMRS.
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2025, 11:58:57 AM »
PMR is a lot busier and people more polite. I have a home made colinear 5/8 over 1/4 with 45 degree ground plane. All made from bits of bass wire and aluminium tube.

It's only 10ft off the ground and on 25M of lossy RG58, but I'm getting signals 15 miles away. I'll put some decent coax on it and get it up on the roof.

Not transmitted yet, till I find out who all these people are up to. Mostly hams it seems.
肉(r?u)包(bāo)子(zi)打(dǎ)狗(gǒu) (meat+bun(2nd and 3rd)+hit+dog)
* Literally: To hit a dog with a meat-bun.:-O

Offline dogshome

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Re: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio. PMR 446 GMRS.
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2025, 01:32:29 PM »
Considering 446MHz is a lot more directional than 27MHz, there seems to be a period of crazy coverage on this foggy, damp evening. Melton, Sheffield and Rotherham coming in loud and clear and a lot of others in the background beyond. Bristol I think.

Sheffield and Rotherham is 50 miles from me, Melton 15 and Bristol 150!

Right, antenna going up from 10ft to about 30ft at the weekend and some decent co-ax! The SWR meter says all good, but the 25M of lossy RG58 is dissipating most of that. 5/8 over 1/4 is quite efficient according to what I've read. I might add more stages at some point. 446 Antennas are toy-like compared to CB 27, 446/27=16X smaller  :tekst-toppie:
肉(r?u)包(bāo)子(zi)打(dǎ)狗(gǒu) (meat+bun(2nd and 3rd)+hit+dog)
* Literally: To hit a dog with a meat-bun.:-O

Offline Justin B.

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Re: Citizen Band CB, HAM Radio. PMR 446 GMRS.
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2025, 05:13:39 PM »
I just bought a new radio to put in my truck.  It's a Radioddity QT-80 with modified programming.  With the programming tweak it will operate on 10M, 12M, and 15M.  It will also cover the CB frequencies.  I'm not much of a CB addict anymore but if I get the urge I'll have an 80 watt CB!  :beatnik:
Justin B.

2004 BMW R1150RT
1981 R100RT - Summer bike, NEKKID!!!