Got a little more information about this .
The two mechanics had 2 years with the company and were considered two of the best employees on that crew .
In their statement of the incident, they wondered if the denatured alcohol they had was flammable .
It's stated on the bottle that the liquid and vapor of this bottle are extremely flammable .
They were working around the right main landing gear when this happened .
When I started with this company, I had a lead mechanic make the statement, that with your having an aircraft mechanics license, you passed the 'test ' .
Meaning that you have shown you have common sense above the general population and general good working knowledge of mechanical things .
I am convinced that an advanced life form planted us here a long time ago and will come back to 'harvest' us when we become dumb enough !
I think harvest day is not too far off !!!!!
Reminds me of an episode from an early 1960's sci-fi program, The Twlight Zone, episode mane 'To Serve Man' .
Here's a short clip of this episode .