Thank you very much all for the input here. I had a distraction last week but I'm back to the topic at hand.
My bike is an 83/84 into service on Dec 10, 1983. A single front disc basic R65/5. The master cylinder is embossed underneath with MAGURA and the number 12 in very prominent digits.
So. Very well.
I was able to navigate my way to this exploded view. the part number 32722302371 in hand I located some vendors.
My most local dealer,. 150 miles away, can order it for me at 109.99 USD.
I would like to support them. However.
This is the best price online from a dealer who actually picks up their phone.... USD shipped for ENDURALAST brand piston only without reservoir seal
And this is from a site in Spain... USD shipped for MAGURA brand including reservoir seal (if the photos are to be trusted)
I was able to reliably cross reference BMW part # 32722302371 with MAGURA part # 2701415 at three separate European vendors. So I am confident it's the same part.
Any further advice? Has anyone heard of or dealt with tradeinn.cim/motardin?
Saving 28 dollars to order overseas and potentially deal with return charges and non existent phone support. You'd think that would answer my questions, but I'm a cheap bastard who never seems to learn his lesson.
Anyway...I hope this saves some footwork for anyone researching this topic in the future.
And I'll report back on anything that happens.