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R65.or in maintenance mode
I access this site from an employers desktop computer, company issued IPad and a cell phone .
Since last weekend my work computer and cell phone still show this site in maintenance mode .
What am I doing wrong ????
Ok disregard now it works on my cell phone I'll check my work computer on Monday when I get back to work.
Be careful what you look at and when. 10 mins on this website at lunchtime will not cause an issue at friendly companies (unless policy says....). 3 hours trading on ebay at 2 on a Monday afternoon or looking for a new partner at any time might set your IT investigating you.
We are a smallish (100 employees) company, but getting larger and IT security is a big thing. We have an IT security manager now. He doesn't wear a brown shirt or shiny boots, but lets be careful (in) there! :deal2:
A rather large organisation I worked for was quite generous in what you could search for on the internet, as sometimes you required such a tool. The usual caveats applied which are mainly common sense.
We did have one bloke who was pinged as being in the top ten users of the tubeofu during work time. His stupidity included taking a sick day to go to a sporting event and then posting on faceache.
At least when I took a sickie to go to the footy, I was a bit more subtle about it and had the courtesy to inform my acting supervisor the day before so that it was not unexpected. In fact she even suggested I take the day off in anticipation of that game.
Directors put the footy on the big screen at work so we could watch a big match a couple years ago. You were meant to make up your hours of course. We do that anyhow.... which is why I'm doing my expenses on a Sunday night. But then I can take an hour in the morning to go to solicitors. Swings and roundabouts, as long as they are declared.
Internet is a giant bear trap if you employer doesn't like something though. I look to see how its going in Gaza occasionally and I also fly racing drones, so look for stuff about that as well. The combined algorithm might be a red flag. Best to stay off the work machine - and don't use the same browser at home as they use at work 8)
Our politicians like to use Whatsapp and Messenger to communicate state secrets as well as text you'd never say in public. It's a field day for the press :-\
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