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Southwest US Heat
We're in the midst of what looks like will turn into a record setting stretch of day time high temperatures of 110 F+, 43 C .
As of today we've had 14 days so far, with the forecast looking forward, possibly 14 more days until the temp drops to the average high of 107 F, 42 C .
Left for work this morning at 0410 temp 100 F, 38 C .
Temperature has not dropped below 90 F, 32 C since June 29 .
130 days as of today without any rain .
I guess that's why it's called a desert !!! :flamethrowingsmiley:
Justin B.:
Absolutely miserable! And you wondered why your Oilhead croaked!? I'd refuse to go out in them temps, too! ;D
Here's the temperature records that were set in July .
Today is day 149 without any rain .
With the oilhead out of service, I'm riding my '82 R65LS everyday now .
Matt Chapter:
I'd be concerned about head temps and oil lifespan in those conditions! I don't want to ride my R65 in traffic in this heat, that's for sure.
Just wondering how to fit an Oil Temp Gauge in those conditions? Is there the capacity to fit one on the oil filter hole? I seem to recall that is where R series generally have their after market Oil Coolers plumbed to.
I would not be too concerned about the oil lifespan as we used to have the Cylinder Head Temp red line on our P&W R2000s indicated at 245 Celsius. Admittedly a bit faster than an R65 but not by much.
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