I'm British. I have an aversion to brit bikes though. My mates Trident losing oil from the primary and needing attention with a rock to free the clutch pushrod. Other friends Bonny that only I seemed able to start (XT500 experience) and which shook you to bits to let you know it was running. The modded XT being apreciably faster and smoother. He managed to get the Bonnie going to get to work, but always bottled it on the way home if I was around. Think he got a Morris Marina after that...
Urals and Brit bikes, the current sufferage movement
OMG I actually spent 15 mins on the Ural stand at the last show
This little one looks very cute and easy to handle though
Awaiting pics and vids please!
Can't think ther will be too many technical challenges that a 3/8" spanner and a packet of Rizzlas can't solve though
Honestly, It looks like a lot of fun