My progress is very slow. Mainly due to ensuring I can get a reasonably flat, level and correct mounting. I've got 1 of 4 mountings satisfactorily rebated and a pile of chippings. The other 3 are going to be hacksawed roughly to shape and use my slightly dodgy end mill setup for final levelling.
All 4 pots work in my (much newer and nicer
) calipers. However it appears that it is not recommended to split them in the repair kits as they allegedly leak afterwards. Hence no small O ring inclusion. I get that as half the joining bolts don't have a full circle of aluminium meat around them. So there may be some lapping of the inner faces on a sheet of glass just to see how they lay. I had to split them to have a chance of finding a flat face to bolt down and work on.
Sump upgrade also stalled as she had £25.00 of oil in her not more than 1,000 miles ago and it's February in the UK.
I could do with a rolling restoration bike......