Good day all. I've either rescued or slightly prolonged the suffering of a 1981 R65 currently sitting in my garage. Going to go over what I know and hopefully get an idea if this one is (reasonably) salvageable

BLUF, I have time and tools and a garage and money, but don't want to waste much more than time. Can a good gasket kit and forks+shocks+brake bits+tires save this bike?
55k on the odo, but likely parked since '91. Scope in the spark plug bores showed some carbon but no scoring or discoloration. Leak down test was great somehow so it may have got rings at some point. Clutch engaged well enough to turn it over with the rear wheel and the starter actually does good as well. No noise from the shaft in neutral and every gear engages. I want to drop the sump and see if the con rods have any play, though not sure if that's telling for this engine. No corrosion visible through the dipstick or timing openings and there was somehow enough oil to still reach the dipstick. Oil drained clean so no obvious bearing damage yet.
Whatever was in the tank is of course rancid, though it came out without any flakes and the red coating is solid. Only superficial rust on the bottom of gas cap that I can see. Will likely strip and etch the tank. Petcock even moved smoothly but will need seals like everything else.
Haven't pulled the carb bowls yet but assuming they're bad. Both carb slides are free but a bit stiff...
Forks are pitted so would need new. Rear shocks are just ugly, aftermarket, and the only really rusty thing on the bike. No brake fluid left so the master cylinder is likely pitted as well and I'm planning on replacing everything north of the calipers. Dual calipers in unknown shape but they aren't dragging and I was able to push one in. Fingers crossed.
Weeping from the oil pressure switch and gear oil from the shifter bushing. Should I expect to have to split the transmission and case or can they get seals once separated?
Not looking for showroom or cafe butcher... just to keep on old bike running a few more years. My daily bike is an F800GT, so this one, if salvageable, would basically replace the SR400 Sunday rambler I let go.
Sorry for being so long winded, just looking for an honest take on this tired old steed.