The stew was lovely. Meaty, tasty and went down with goosefat roasties and carrots very well

The dumplings...
So the dogs had the dumplings tonight. They never throw anything out of their bowls unless it's to be savoured till last. Greyhounds don't have a strong bite, but do have a full set of sharpies and a good appetite. I got a look from our little dog tonight "what do you expect me to do with this?" although big 'un chowed down as best he could.
Some chefferie using a lump hammer has made the dogs happy and the krypotonite/diamond/Silicon-Carbide treats have dissapeared. Am I alone in this? Is some scientific discovery afoot? Should I let Nasa know for future re-entry heat tiles? 1 part cement to 3 parts sand does not come close. These little beauties would repel any machine tool, Star Trek phasor or Main Battle Tank

I'd get photos, but I value my life