My man (who is a human incarnation of Shrek in body shape and humour) has stuck some more needles in me, hooked up a really serious TENS machine with an interferance pattern and had a nice young female assistant try to massage my bicep. She had a go, but my bicep (although in no way impressive these days) wasn't having it. She needs to start forestry, an old skool gym or professional arm wrestling
That sounds really sexist
My missus has the same trouble if trying to fix a muscle pain on me. I can grab her and work out any knots no problemo!
Shrek, however, after his assistant got me into a nice false sense of security then proceeded to twist my shoulder where it didn't want to go. It hurt, but nothing like the first time and I'm sitting here pain free right-now. I can lift a pan of pasta and drive without taking a deep breath and looking like I'm in a slo-mo movie and gritting my teeth.
He has seen persons with a undiagnosed bicep tendon dislocation for years suffering with shoulder pain. Our NHS do not (apparently) notice it. I know nothing about you or the French health service
Geoarges, but I would recommend seeing an osteopath, chiropractor or sports injury specialist. I am a young spritely 60 and perhaps not an 'old guy' yet, but I don't want to live with pain - and I would have if not for my friend's recommendation.