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Author Topic: 81 R65 Dual Plugging, Discussion and Advice  (Read 969 times)

Offline matthewjp14

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81 R65 Dual Plugging, Discussion and Advice
« on: September 07, 2022, 04:52:07 PM »
Hello again cylinder head issues, this time just a stripped valve cover stud thread. A trip to the machine shop is in order but that also means time for its full valve seat overhaul. Along with the valve overhaul I've opted to go for dual spark plugging which seems like a good idea so i can avoid future issues with heat spots and better this engines chances of survival.

Specifically this is for a 1981 R65 with roughly 27000 miles on it. This is 50 miles after having rebuilt the engine and all looks well internally but unfortunately I tore the threads for the center stud right out of the cylinder head. picture related.

I'm interested in hearing peoples experiences with dual-plugging, how did it go for you, what parts, any noticeable differences afterwards. As far as the beancan, its already electronic timing, do i need to upgrade/modify that? Likewise, is my charging system going to need more juice? There doesn't seem to be a definitive best course of action according to Snowbum's except for spending an exorbitant amount of money so just looking to hear what other people thought about the process on their own bikes and possibly parts list of all the things I'd need to order to get it taken care of.
I am a college student as well so the more cost effective the better, time spent on my part is not an issue.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2022, 05:09:14 PM by matthewjp14 »

Offline skippyc

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Re: 81 R65 Dual Plugging, Discussion and Advice
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2022, 05:47:08 PM »
I know on the B50 you don't need as much advance in the timing.

Offline dogshome

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Re: 81 R65 Dual Plugging, Discussion and Advice
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2022, 02:05:08 AM »
Don't think I'd bother on a 650. I have had minor pinking as 650 and 860. Lead replacement and 2 degrees retard have solved that completely on the hot days (30+C) it did it.

That thread is completely repairable in place with with a simple helicoil. You can do it with a kit.

I think a lot of money for something that isn't going to give back in return. If the heads we're knackered, then yes, why not. If they only have 27k on them, then no.
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Offline steve hawkins

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Re: 81 R65 Dual Plugging, Discussion and Advice
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2022, 10:24:02 AM »
I am with dogshome on this.

Yes if the bike had 60,000+ miles on it.  Helicoil the head in situ and get on and ride the thing.


Steve Hawkins R100 (that wants to be an R65)