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Author Topic: lithium battery  (Read 897 times)

Offline skippyc

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lithium battery
« on: October 17, 2021, 12:19:11 AM »
just because i can i have installed this battery to the BM
It cranks a lot faster than the moto batt does. I have cranking itech batteries in my cars and they do the same.

Offline Tony Smith

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Re: lithium battery
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2021, 04:31:49 PM »
Lithium batteries have undeniably come a long way in the last 3 or 4 years, to the point that except for one thing O now regard them as a viable alternative to traditional lead/acid batteries. Mind you, you do still need a 14.4 volt charge rate for most of them, fortunately with modern regulators this is easily achieved.

Lithiums offer more "punch" on start up, weigh far less than any lead based battery and they now seem to last at least as long as AGM batteries.

Which brings me to their one drawback -  cost. But given time that will doubtless fade away as well. However until that happens, AGM batteries get my money.

One funny quick of lithium batteries is temperature. Last year I watched a man at Springsure totally fail to persuade his Ducati to turn over in slightly sub-zero temperatures. I suggested that if he parked it in the sun and then walked to breakfast that it would probably start when he returned - it did.

AGMs are temperature sensitive too,. It not to the same extent.
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Offline dogshome

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Re: lithium battery
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2021, 04:47:34 AM »
Everyone notices that flying RC models. Helicopters really suffer if its below about 10C, to the point it's not worth it towards zero. Keeping batteries warm before flight is a thing. Also fingers! Cold, unresponsive sausages, a heli that has half it's normal flight time and is sluggish, combined with either low sun or no sun and plastics that want to shatter in the cold isn't ideal. Hard, frozen potential 'landing' spots everywhere also not great if your fingers stop working. We also notice the AGM cells start to struggle as we use those for cranking petrol engines. Being in the blast from a 24" prop can also be chilly!

The latest EVs have on-board battery heating. More efficient to use electricity to warm the battery than just to drive with it cold.

It's taking a very long time for this technology to evolve and the price to come down though. A sellers market at the moment.

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* Literally: To hit a dog with a meat-bun.:-O

Offline Graeme

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Re: lithium battery
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2023, 04:52:17 PM »
I've had a Lithium battery in my '84 R65 LS for about 8 years. I got talked into it at our local bike shop and felt myself lucky that the salesman wasn't selling encyclopedias. I keep it charged on a standard 0.8 amp battery keeper and, for simlar excuses that are regualrly trotted out on this forum, it hasn't had a lot of use but it has started the bike every time.

Next time I get the bike out, I'll post a photograph & specs.

(I've noted that this post hasn't been touched in 120 days and stated that I should consider starting another one. Anyway, I'll see what happens..... :vrolijk_26:)
1985 R65 LS