The front forks are behaving now they have new seals, progressive springs, a good clean out and nice thin synthetic oil in them. I am sure a conversion to pressure relief valves would be an advantage, although the teeth-rattling bangs I was getting before the rebuild have gone now. I have an RT fairing and high bars, so most of my weight is on the seat and pegs. No spacers required in the forks.
Relatively high tyre pressures and a hoop type fork brace have hugely improved cornering and got rid of the white line 'horse approaching water jump and changing it's mind' kind of deal.
Which brings me onto the rear ones. Originals with approaching 70,000 miles on them. Now I have nice front suspension, I'm really noticing how hard the back end is. I'm a big guy, so I use the second preset which drops what feels like a proper amount when I get on. Damping by jumping up and down on it seems fine and I haven't had any bouncing, stepping sideways in corners or wobbles of any kind. Well, belly wobbles maybe, but the bike doesn't.
I normally take wight onto the pegs for the very low speed ramps as these always jarred the front and back previously. I go over them slowly anyhow as I've replaced several car springs in the past due to these. If I forget or a small pothole catches me out I get a proper smack through the spine which has definitely got worse!
No oil coming out, but the rods look like they have had it and i can imagine a rubbery, rusty, gunky mess inside causing the very hard response. Shocks traditionally go soft and bouncy, these appear to have gone the other way

The splodge in the upper part of the pic is missing plating and not just a reflection.
Is that typical of these shocks? Stiffening up and complaining about it in the only way they know how?