Technical Discussion > Ride Reports and Event Reviews

40th anniversary r 65 LS/r 80 GS rally

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I had the privilege of attending the r65 LS/r80 GS 40th anniversary rally in Harlesville Pennsylvania this weekend. The designer of these (and many other bikes), Hans Muth was the featured speaker. As a special treat he and George Martin (owner of the largest BMW Motoradd dealership in Germany) unveiled their latest creation. The "r800 GS based on an r 65 motor (see photo). It consists of a r 80 GS fork and frame, r65 motor, r65 sub frame and purpose made seat, tank pads and side covers.

It also saw the opening of the organizers "Bavarian Bike Barn". A great tie was had by all!!


Forgot to add the back end is from an r 65 monoshock. Cannot figure out how to add more than one photo so will post as followons.

Regards to all,

More photos!

Last one for now!

Ooooooh!  In the foreground of the 4th pic, a Bultaco Mark 2 Metralla!  Sweet!


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