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There is a national election the second week of November in the US .
I vote by mail in ballot due to getting sent out of town for work on short notice .
Well I filled out the ballot, it was three feet long about a meter in length both sides .
With the sorry excuses of candidates on the ballot, I put name as a write in candidate on over 30 races .
If I win, I'll be one busy m effer !!!!!! :beerchug:
BMW Technical Q&A, Primarily R65 / Re: vaccum port, rubber cover?
« Last post by Nigel on October 11, 2024, 11:27:25 AM »
OK. So I am back to my original question. There are rubber covers (as you can see from the picture). How can I safely removed them?
Totally Off-Topic Discussions, Rants, Tire & Oil Threads, Etc. / Re: Mr Inbetween
« Last post by Tony Smith on October 11, 2024, 05:25:25 AM »
I loved this series. When I lived in Sydney some decades ago I had some friends in "low" places. One of them was a guy called Damus.

Now Damus was an intelligent guy and actually had an Arts/History University degree. He could hold up his end of a conversation on just about any topic. Well read, well informed a d for the most part, courtly mannered.

However he had one flaw, he liked hurting people, hence his occupation as an enforcer/debt collector/stand-over man.

Ray in the series reminded me a lot of Damus.
Makes sense to me. My cruiser has realtively huge grips, whilst not barrel shaped, are still comfier than the slim ones on the airhead.
BMW Technical Q&A, Primarily R65 / Re: 1981 R65 Harsh Knocking
« Last post by dogshome on October 10, 2024, 01:23:47 PM »
Interested in You tube vid. Walk up close, around and a few feet away please. Oh, and for a minute at least!
Totally Off-Topic Discussions, Rants, Tire & Oil Threads, Etc. / Mr Inbetween
« Last post by dogshome on October 10, 2024, 01:18:26 PM »
Hi from the UK. I've been watching an Aussie series called "mr Inbetween". It's about a bouncer / hitman / normal person (!). Series 1 is good fun and the sort of things that Ray encounters are maybe what you'd expect once you know his 'trade'.

Series 2 gets altogether more interesting. I'm on episode 8 right now.

It's not a docu, but there are some crims, and you know where it's going (so far) in every episode. Very entertaining though. Sheilas are a bit stereotyped, maybe. But recommended - so far!  :thumbsup:
Totally Off-Topic Discussions, Rants, Tire & Oil Threads, Etc. / Re: Mystic mayhem!
« Last post by Justin B. on October 07, 2024, 08:36:23 PM »
Now, I don't care who you are but that's funny!  :ROTFLMAO:
Totally Off-Topic Discussions, Rants, Tire & Oil Threads, Etc. / Re: APM BOK
« Last post by Justin B. on October 07, 2024, 08:32:15 PM »
Don't think I've ever met a 60yo Snowflake!  You have stumbled upon a rare species!  :ROTFLMAO:
I don't interact with this crew. I work in a shop on the second floor . My job is emergency egress lighting systems for all 850 aircraft that my employer operates . I am rarely on the floor of the hangar where the aircraft are worked on .
Here in the UK, we had no Covid buyout. Far from it. A lot of people lost their jobs and that was it. Some got fuloughed, others just kept going, like me  :nopity:

Those two with the IPA were idiots. I suggest that the other 95% you don't know might be worth getting to know? We have a new batch of apprentices, and actually, there are some personalities, humour and friends to be made  8)

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