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Thanks for feeding back  :thumbsup:
Please tell me they are not bikers. Worse, they ride airheads  :drowning:
If they don't get criminal charges and costs, they will definitely get civil.
Totally Off-Topic Discussions, Rants, Tire & Oil Threads, Etc. / Re: Mystic mayhem!
« Last post by dogshome on October 02, 2024, 04:02:28 PM »
In answer to your last question, answering for a friend, you'll never know. You'll never know  :beerchug:
They used a butane fueled soldering iron .
Which is prohibited around or in an aircraft .
A fact finding investigation was conducted yesterday .
The two people involved stated that the alcohol, isopropyl, had 70% alcohol and 30% water, they didn't think it would burn .
Both people involved were terminated, but the reason they gave for this, was their airport security badges were revoked by the city aviation department .
If you don't have a security clearance, you can't work on the airport property .
So the company stated that this was out of their control !!
Also an incident report from the Phoenix police department and the airport fire department were submitted with the county attorney general, they will make determination as to whether criminal charges will be filed against the two people involved .
The company has not yet decided as to whether to file a law suit to re-coup the cost of this incident .
It's estimated to be in the area of $1-1.5 million .
So they could also be financially ruined by this as well .
Totally Off-Topic Discussions, Rants, Tire & Oil Threads, Etc. / Re: Can't Fix Stupid !!!
« Last post by Burt on October 02, 2024, 04:29:32 AM »

My next question which would have already been asked, is what would they be carrying as a flame source around an aircraft? 

Static electricity is the big danger with bonding, earthing and fire extinguishers, etc.  We were expected to dump the contents of a fire extinguisher in an access panel on start up if the pilot had an engine fire and had not set the aircraft extinguishers off.  Annual mandatory training, long sleeves, no smoking and the list goes on. 

Oh well, at least flipping burgers will be a start in their next career choice. 
Our system of law has taught us that common sense is no longer accepted as part of a qualification.
Got a little more information about this .
The two mechanics had 2 years with the company and were considered two of the best employees on that crew .
In their statement of the incident, they wondered if the denatured alcohol they had was flammable .
It's stated on the bottle that the liquid and vapor of this bottle are extremely flammable .
They were working around the right main landing gear when this happened .
When I started with this company, I had a lead mechanic make the statement, that with your having an aircraft mechanics license, you passed the 'test ' .
Meaning that you have shown you have common sense above the general population and general good working knowledge of mechanical things .

I am convinced that an advanced life form planted us here a long time ago and will come back to 'harvest' us when we become dumb enough !
I think harvest day is not too far off !!!!! :behead:
Reminds me of an episode from an early 1960's sci-fi program, The Twlight Zone, episode mane  'To Serve Man' .

Here's a short clip of this episode .
Totally Off-Topic Discussions, Rants, Tire & Oil Threads, Etc. / Re: Mystic mayhem!
« Last post by Burt on September 30, 2024, 10:55:42 PM »
Some of us might need a light aircraft to visit the neighbours although they'll have helicopters for mustering as well.  My neighbours though are no big drama. 

As for grey as a colour, the current modern selection of battleship grey and an equally depressing beige colour are just horrendous.  I saw a coffee'd BMW motorcycle (another one for sale) in the same battleship grey colour and vomit inducing ugly is just too kind.  Last years marketeers and stylists just need shooting..... 

Now, this neighbour of yours, is she fit?  Asking for a friend. 
Totally Off-Topic Discussions, Rants, Tire & Oil Threads, Etc. / Re: Can't Fix Stupid !!!
« Last post by Burt on September 30, 2024, 09:50:16 PM »
At least when they installed a similar system in my old Air Force hanger they moved the aircraft out and closed the doors to test the system.  Usually we had one aircraft on jacks whilst in a deeper level servicing, so it was arranged around that.  The photos were impressive. 

Oh, and they gave us the day off.   ;D 

I cannot believe how stupid that act was, as the safety around preventing fires in the hanger or around aircraft such as when refuelling was paramount.  If I even inadvertently did something along those lines, I would have had my backside kicked from here to kingdom come. 

Is that stupidity a reflection of the current generation coming through the training system? 

On a side note, when working in the Middle East the Avionics chaps required alcohol as a cleaning agent.  The effort expended trying to get one bottle of alcohol into a muslim country was impressive as they treated it as an attempt to get around the prohibition on any form of drinking alcohol. 
I ended up just using the supplementary cylinder base gaskets which worked. I did not include the big o-ring as each time I took it back apart the o-rings were pinched. There is a groove for these o-rings on the cylinder. It seems they were the culprits in not allowing the cylinder to mate with the engine housing. Weird. Could be operator error.
Anyway, I let’s see what kind of mileage the gaskets do.
Thanks for your suggestions.
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